"...Politicians have – intentionally or otherwise
– immersed themselves into the corporate toilet
for the wholly unacceptable reason
of retaining their political position and their life of privilege.
...our two-party political system is a giant decomposing carcass,
where elected officials are imprisoned within its ribcage,
expecting further sustenance from us.
...another industry verging on this sort of cannibalism,
the corporate media.
...The mainstream media may not quite be a decomposing carcass,
as there are still quality sectors and true professionals,
but the distrust has placed the profession on life-support
...the 24/7 media colossus has been outmaneuvered
by this amorphous trend; Unpaid people reporting,
co-producers, becoming credible sources of information.
...the word "journalist" has lost it's real substance,
cheapened by those who present opinion as fact,
create the news rather than report it,
frame hate propaganda behind a gauze of faux reportage.
...for the sake of ratings
facts are often beside the point.
And many journalist and media professionals know it,
loath it, turn a blind eye and cash their paychecks to it.
...shouldn't we call the corporate media exactly what it is,
a paid advertisement?
When the news is owned and driven by corporations,
packaged for the sole purpose to grab eyeballs for profit,
the result isn't so much fact but entertainment.
Many of the TV news programs have devolved into a carnival,
complete with fancy graphics, dramatic music stings,
pseudo-punditry and the exaggerated energy of an infomercial.
...The danger, here, is that these feeds and social networks
(and the entire Internet) become corporatized
and then censored (some argue that that is already happening).
In mid-November, CNN laid off 50 of its staff members,
citing the growth of “citizen journalism” as the reason.
...in the public's eyes the media profession
is loosing its credibility,
creeping toward irrelevant.
...the citizens feel that the media is not being held accountable..."
Michael Nigro
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