should all Greensboro women’s tennis programs be cancelled?
Should all children in public school
be taught that evil is compatible with an omnipotent and benevolent God?
If some believe pictures of women and men in bathing suits is pornographic,
should public swimming pools will be closed?
Are members of a church more likely to give campaign contributions
to a "pious" Council Member who attends the same church,
after said church’s preacher gives a sermon on the dangers of pornography?
If pictures of women and men wearing dancing tights is pornographic,
should all publicly funded dance groups be disbanded?
If all men not wearing shirts in any pictures on the internet is pornographic…?
Should public schools should be segregated by sex?
Should dancing be prohibited?
Should Roman statues be covered?
If a Catholic Priest says it’s OK for him to touch you wherever he wants,
should you believe him?
Should public employees using phones with internet access
be denied access to pornographic web sites?
Should clergy who support political grandstanding
receive privileged access to Greensboro’s political and municipal executives?
Does the government always act in the majority’s best interests?
Should a married pregnant unemployed high school drop out
who knows the child will have AIDS and autism
have to receive permission from her husband to get an abortion
after being raped by her schizophrenic brother-in-law?
Should “abstinence-until-marriage” education
replace explicit sex-education programs,
school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?
Should contraceptive measures for raped woman be outlawed?
What is the likelihood that the God of rectangle shaped people has four sides?
Should school curriculums teach Creationism,
and have a disclaimer before any evolutionary topics,
like biology, or chemistry, or geology, or platectonics,
or world history, or dinosaurs, or physics?
Should morning prayers be instituted in public schools
and end with “in Jesus’ name we pray”?
Should Jewish children be prohibited from dating Christian children?
Can an atheist be superstitious?
Should no mosque on American soil
be within a mile of an elementary school?
Should religious and/or alternative sexual orientation
be a required disclosure on all public identification?
Are all Muslims terrorists?
Can a robot be one of God’s children,
and if so, is it OK to enslave intelligent machines?
Should all children be taught at the earliest ages
that their parents are obligated to give 10% of their families income
to their religious leaders?
to their religious leaders?
Should Biblical dietary and punishment laws be strictly enforced?
Do you get to wear clothes in heaven
but not in hell?
Are all men who look for porn at the library child molesters?
Should special police in charge of monitoring moral behavior
be given the right to use corporal punishment on anyone under the age of 21?
Should elected lawmakers seek to avoid imposing their religious views
upon the communities in which they reside?
Should the United States of America officially declare war on Islam?
If the government arrests a citizen for pornography,
should the accused be publicly humiliated before trial,
unless they are related to or are good friends with a public official?
What do you believe that you can’t prove?
Are all women who look at porn at the library lesbians?
Are communities who lean towards religion infused government
more or less likely to pass religious based legislation
like alcohol prohibition, dancing, female submission, book burning,
what could be unnecessary pornography restrictions,
public school curriculums, abortion or homosexuality?
Why are weak governments and/or fringe political movements
more likely to embrace religion or nationalism
in times of economic and social instability
and/or when distractions appear helpful to bury other more important issues?
Should any man caught "sexually" looking at women in public libraries be removed?
Should all sexually active homeless persons within the city limits be removed?
Should all those of a religion other than those sanctioned by government,
wear an insignia stating their religion on their garments at all times in public?
Should anyone who disagrees with the will of a majority of a minority,
be prohibited in engaging in public discourse?
If sentient beings on another planet played chess with Earthlings
would God would be on our side, as long as the player is a white, not gay, Christian American?
Are you a robot?
Were we all predestined to have free will?
If I knew you were a robot,
would you want me to tell you?
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